Saturday, November 1, 2008

SSH pubkey on a NetScaler Application Switch

I like to take a backup of all my device configurations on a regular basis. Its usually pretty straight-forward, simply add a scp command to cron, but with the NetScaler there's a little gotcha.

The default location of the authorized_keys file is in '/flash/nsconfig/ssh'. After you append your public key into the file, you'll need to copy the 'authorized_keys' file to '/root/.ssh/'.

This filecopy will need to be done after every reboot of the NetScaler because the / mount point is on volatile media.

If you want to script this action, or any other post-boot commands on a NetScaler device, create or edit the file '/flash/nsconfig/rc.netscaler', set the perms on the file to 755, and start adding commands to the file.


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