Friday, November 20, 2009

list pecl modules and info

You might have to:
`ln -s /usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs /usr/local/bin/apxs`

`/usr/local/apache2/php/bin/pecl list`
`/usr/local/apache2/php/bin/pecl install apc`
`vi /usr/local/apache2/php/conf/php.ini`
- add ''
`/usr/local/apache2/bin/apachectl_admin restart`

Thursday, November 19, 2009

list kernel modules

# modinfo $(cut -d' ' -f1 /proc/modules) | sed '/^dep/s/$/\n/; /^file\|^desc\|^dep/!d'

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

host firewall for the mac


IPFW='/sbin/ipfw -q'

$IPFW -f flush
$IPFW add 2000 allow ip from any to any via lo*
$IPFW add 2010 deny log ip from to any in
$IPFW add 2020 deny log ip from any to in
$IPFW add 2030 deny log ip from to any in
$IPFW add 2040 deny log tcp from any to in
$IPFW add 2050 allow log tcp from any to any out
$IPFW add 2060 allow tcp from any to any established
$IPFW add 12190 deny log tcp from any to any

Then apply it to the firewall

# sudo ipfw list
# chmod 600 ./rules
# sudo ipfw ./rules

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

pecl install apc

make sure that the apxs directory is in the system path.